Monday, April 1, 2013

Insanity Fit Test: April 1

April, my favorite time of the year. I decided to welcome it by going through Insanity's Fit Test to see if I have progressed in the last 2 weeks that I have been religiously doing the program. 

And progressed I have. Here are my results in comparison to the first fit test I've done in March:

Even without going through the fit test yet, I knew I was already progressing. Not that I can breeze through the workouts like it was a sprint. Honestly, I still couldn't even go through the 9-minute warm up without picking my lungs off the floor. However, my endurance is slowly improving unlike the 1st week and so far I can keep up with most exercises although I need more rests in between. 

By the way, have I told you that I fell in love with Cardio Recovery and Cardio Abs? These two exercises have a lot of leg and thigh work that have brought my jiggly jel-o's to its tighter form. Yes, and it's only been my 3rd week. How can I not love them? At first I was even skeptical on how Insanity can tone my problem areas being that it just does a lot of cardio compared to Jillian Michaels' work out videos. But seeing the results as early as now have put my faith back to Insanity. I love that it not only works on my strength and endurance but also does a good job in working on my trouble areas.

Til next time. DIG DEEP!!

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