Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Van and the bun part 2

Nesting and preparing ♥️

It's the last day of November and I can't believe this year is going by like the speed of light. It's been 8 months since Mama passed away and my pregnancy is also at its 8th month. When I put things that way, it's kind of hard to process how I have managed to come to this day. I miss Mama everyday and I can't stop thinking of all the reasons that I need her here.

Speaking of my 8th month, we've been holding off on buying stuff for Iñigo until November, supposedly, just because we don't have the space for it just yet. However, this pregnancy has been quite challenging for me, even though I was in tip top shape and quite strong pre-pregnancy. I've had to stop my long walks and daily work outs (just doing yoga/pilates about 3x a week now) because of contractions and groin pains (TMI, I know) everytime I get tired. I can't even overbook on weekend plans without getting strained and having to stay in bed for an entire day or two. Because of that, we've had to start shopping early so we wouldn't have to buy everything in one or two trips. So far, I've completed buying his layette, towels and blankets. Oooohh, I've missed going through the babies section and having to really buy something. I may or may not have overshopped again.

On the photo above, you'll see:

  • 1 dozen Enfant muslin cloth diapers 
  • 6 burp cloths
  • 6 wash cloths
  • 3 hooded towels
  • 3 receiving blankets
  • Comforter set
  • Nursing pillow (gift from Di Ann)
  • Dr Brown's Options+ blue wide neck feeding bottle set
  • Dr Brown's Options+ clear wide neck feeding bottle set
  • 3 NB button down shirts
  • 3 NB tie side shirts
  • 3 NB pajamas
  • 3 NB footsies
  • 6 3M pajamas
  • 2 footsie overalls
  • Swaddle Me
  • 3 NB onesies
  • 6 3M onesies
  • 3 caps
  • 6 sets of mittens
  • 3 sets of socks/booties
  • 6 bibdanas

Here's what the Dr Brown's Options+ bottles look like. I think 8 bottles should be enough since I plan to breastfeed anyway.

Last weekend, we went to Megamall to look for a dress to wear to Dan's uncle's 70th birthday and obviously, I can't get inside a store and just buy 1 item. So anyway, right outside the store was a Mustela store and I absolutely looooved Mustela on Zoe. I bought a bath oil and 3 bottles of 2 in 1 gel cleanser (what used to be the dermo cleanser). 

Our most recent unplanned purchase was a gym bag to be used as a diaper bag. I was not planning to buy one since we still have Zoe's old diaper bag in great condition, though it needs washing. But hubby wanted to get a Nike backpack he'd be happy to carry around for his son. We went to the mall to get something at Watson's and passed by Toby's to just 'look' at bags and found this really great Under Armour gym bag. Needless to say, we left the store with it.

I really like this bag because it's very roomy but so easy to find things inside. And I can use it when I can already go back to the gym 😁 

So far, I have washed most of Iñigo's clothes, except for the pajamas. I've arranged his closet (shared space with Achie Zoe) and as soon as I'm done with washing the rest of his stuff, I'll start preparing his hospital bag. I still have about 6-7 weeks to go but it's better to be prepared. The only things left on our list are the big items: stroller, playpen/co sleeper, car seat, baby bath tub. Super excited for Iñigo! 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Maternity Shoot teaser photos

It really pays to have great friends. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, my photographer friend promised a maternity shoot for FREE. So when we had a staycation for Zoe's birthday, I decided to schedule it then. Here are some of the teaser photos.

Can't wait to see the rest of the photos 😁