Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Summer School - Day 2 and 3

Day 2 - 'Summer is..'

Zoe's OTD :D

One of her favorite activities - draw tracing

Like daughter, like mommy ;)

Singing to 'Skinny Marie'

Putting her picture on the attendance wall

At the sandbox 
 Day 3 - 'The sun is hot!'

Zoe made a 'smiley face' drawing and got a 'super' stamp!

About to make pancakes

She volunteered to pour the flour. Good job baby girl!

She had fun mixing the batter

Artwork time - painting her 'sunglasses'

Prayer before snacks. Look how angelic she looks :)

'This is yummy Mommy' - Zoe

airplane shaped pancake

1 comment:

  1. goodjob mommy for the nice school! i checked your previous post and your daughter looks big for her age! :) my son is turning 2 and i've been scouting for toddler classes as well. getting ready for the next year or two (?)
