Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Insanity: Plyometric Cardio

Plyometric Cardio -- yes, it already sounds intimidating but it's worse when you actually try it. The name itself suggests that this routine involves jumping and popping heart rates. Boy, Shaun T wasn't kidding. The first 9 minutes of this 42-minute workout focused on warm up. Warm up that already included jogging, jumping jacks, heismans (which took me quite longer to perform), 123, butt kicks, high knees, and mummy kicks. Oh and wait, you do the 'warm up' routine TWICE. Gosh, I was already tired by the time the warm up routine was finished. Jillian Michaels, what a shame, I thought you've already prepared me for this..

This routine involved 5 circuits which were repeated twice with 30-second water breaks in between. Here are the sequences of the circuits:

- jogging
- jumping jacks
- heismans
- 123
- butt kicks
- high knees
- mummy kicks

- suicide drills
- power squats
- mountain climbers
- ski down

- switch feet
- football wide sprints

- basketball drills
- ski drills
- in and out

- jabs
- cross jacks
- uppercuts
- attacks

I would love to say that I performed all exercises but I honestly wasn't able to. I told you that I was already tired by the time warm up was done but I still tried my best to keep up although I really did falter most of the time. It was sort of nice to see that even the people on the video were human enough to get tired and get some rest even while the others were pushing themselves to the limit. It actually kinda inspired me to push even harder. They say that this routine is the hardest among the Insanity routines so hopefully I'd get better at it the next time. Tomorrow I start with Cardio power and resistance. Sounds scary too, goodluck to me! Dig deep!!


  1. Dang, I used to do this too grabe, sobrang intense. Did you also experence back ache. Feeling ko I pushed my self too hard parang na-shock yung spinal column ko... Or... baka old age, haha.

  2. Rae, actually that's my complaint now, the back ache, particularly sa lower back. Oh my, old age? Wag pa naman sana hahaha :P

    1. Oh no, be careful, I was just reading Insanity reviews on amazon to check if anyone else experienced the same thing. A lot of them did. The worst I read is one suffering from 'slip disc' now after doing an insanity work out.

      I blame those sessions that require a ton of jumping.

  3. I feel you. its only the beginning the second wave is "hell" so crazy i was not able to finish it boohoo. although this gives me great hope to finish it! You can do it.

    btw, i like reading your blog. Hopefully you'll post more often!
