Monday, February 13, 2012

Mystery of slippers revealed!

For the longest time, I have been irritated with how Zoe likes to pick up my slippers inside the room and carry it around no matter how I tell her to put it down cus they're dirty. Last Sunday, we were playing inside my mom's room and she once again reached for my slippers which I forgot to leave outside. I didn't call her out anymore and I just watched what she was going to do. The door was open and so she took my pair of slippers and put them on the mat in front of our room's door. I just realized that that's what she's been trying to do all along; to put my slippers where they belong. I felt ashamed of myself for not even trying to understand where this behavior was coming from. All along, Zoe was just acting according to what we have taught her about keeping things neat and in order.

I told my husband about this and he felt the same way I did since he also reprimanded Zoe a couple of times about the slippers thing. We realized that we should try to be more understanding of Zoe's actions instead of immediately resorting to reprimands whenever she does something 'off'. On the other hand, I felt pride in how my daughter has quickly learned the things that we've been teaching her and in how she was able to apply this learning not just to her belongings but to other's as well. From now on, I will try my best to understand her actions first before making any rash reactions.

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