Sunday, April 20, 2014

Post Anniversary and Easter Sunday Lunch

We celebrated our 9th anniversary and Easter Sunday at Vikings SM Marikina. The bonus part was that they also had egg hunting activities for kids. Zoe got to paint and hunt an egg, only she wasn't able to find one. I also didn't want her to put so much effort since the eggs were apparently hidden under the tables and I didn't want her to disturb other diners (as I would get irritated if disturbed as well). She was still given several prizes since the organizers found her pretty ;)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy 9th anniversary ;)

To the man who patiently listens to my random thoughts (aka whining) at random times of the day (and night); the man who can truly make the statement 'everything's going to be alright' believable; the man who spontaneously gives unwanted bits of trivia; the man who has loved and indulged me all these years, happy 9th anniversary. You make me an extremely overloved wifey. I love you very much and I love the life we've made.

Monday, April 14, 2014

9th Anniversary Plans

My husband and I will be celebrating our 9th anniversary (5th wedding) this Friday and this is the first time ever that our anniversary will fall on a Holy Week. Due to that, we are foregoing our celebration on the day itself and will just celebrate on Easter Sunday. 

Since we're trying to cut down on expenses, we've decided to just book a lunch table at Vikings in SM Marikina on Sunday. Vikings will also have activities for kids that day since it's Easter Sunday so it's like hitting two birds with one stone.