1. It's obviously a reliable form of transportation
- My close friends used to tell me that I am my own risk in taking the public transportation because I fight with cab drivers, I shout at other passengers, and I shoot dagger looks at passerbys. Obviously, I am still battling with my road temper but I feel safer inside my car especially when it's raining or when the sun is in frying-mode. I want to mention the downsides but that's not what this post is all about.
2. My car doubles as a mobile closet
3. My car is where most of my selfies takes place

- Most people do it in their bedroom, some in the bathroom. I like to do it inside my car when the traffic is heavy, when I'm waiting for a parking slot at work.
4. Driving hones my singing prowess
5. Inevitable ME-time
So those are my reasons. Do I feel happy driving home later at 11PM? Not really.