Gymboree Eastwood held its annual Pumpkin Patch tea party on October 26-28, 2012. We weren't supposed to be able to join since we were attending a wedding on Saturday, the 27th, which was when most of the festivities were happening. Good thing I was able to secure a holiday off from work so we registered Zoe to the October 26th tea party.

The next concern was Zoe's costume. I hated that we were unprepared for this event, just like last year when Zoe ended up not being able to go trick or treating anywhere (sad..). I browsed online for interesting costumes and came across a Minnie Mouse toddler outfit but was disgusted that it retailed for around P2,000. No way. So my husband came up with an idea to dress Zoe in a 'Chun-Li' inspired outfit. Of course, it only consisted of a cheong-sam and other accessories. When I searched online to see what her outfit should look like, it actually required more work. In the end, we decided to buy her a cheong sam and hair accessories to make her look like a baby Chun Li. She looked really cute =)

The Pumpkin Patch tea party started off with a play class headed by Teacher Chesca and another teacher whose name I forgot (sorry). There were around 15 kids, give or take, all dressed up in their cutie costumes. We got there at exactly 2pm and I was afraid that the program might have started but it hadn't, since they we had to wait for all the registered kids to arrive. After the play class, they had a parade around the 3rd floor of the Eastwood mall where they went to selected stores for trick or treat. Zoe carried her pumpkin pail and sort of led the other kids to the other stores.
After the parade and the trick or treat, the kids were treated to snacks and were given their Gymboree lootbags. Zoe was so proud of her lootbags!! She was very tired after the event but was happy to have participated in such. Of course, it would have been a lot nicer if her dad was there to see her, but he was bound by work that day; maybe next year.
Overall, I was satisfied with the Pumpkin Patch event. It was just right for kids of Zoe's age because it was held in a controlled environment and it was very organized. I've read some horror stories (excuse the pun) about other trick or treat events where the kids didnt get any lootbags despite paying a hefty amount per head and extremely disorganized ones. I already look forward to next year's Pumpkin Patch, hopefully with a much more creative costume for Zoe, and to join the Eastwood-wide trick or treat event.