Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello Cali!

It's technically my 1st working day in San Francisco as I got here early last evening. The flight was ok since it was non-stop; plus, there was an empty seat beside me which made the 12 hour flight a bit more bearable than it should. PAL's 747 is pretty big and nice but I was a bit disappointed that the TV screens on our aisle never got fixed after the first 4 hours. I had to make do with looking at the screen of the passenger in front of me who was watching How to Train your Dragon. Too bad it was silent for me since you had to wear headsets while watching.

Oh well, it can't be all wines and roses. My boss picked us up at the SFO and was pleasantly surprised at how cold it was considering we were told that it's pretty hot here. Huh! Try the weather at Manila and feel the new definition of 'hot'.

We're staying at Biltmore Hotel and Suites in Santa Clara which is pretty far from the airport. It's about 20 minutes away from the Google offices in Mountain View. Speaking of Google, I still can't get over how cool their offices are! It reminds you of a college campus, only way cooler. They have a very young and laidback atmosphere and everywhere you go, there are cafeterias that serve FREE food for their employees (and guests, in our case). I'm not sure though if they'd allow me to take pics of their office since they're pretty big on confidentiality but I'll try to ask tomorrow.

So far I haven't done any shopping yet but I've looked around shops already (can't resist hehehe). Baby stuff here are wayyyy cheaper and I'm trying not to hyperventilate cus of too much excitement. Hopefully there will be good deals this weekend since it's the 4th of July holiday. Can't wait!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Full Weekend!

My weekend officially started on Friday when I found out that my US trip was scheduled this coming Saturday, June 26. My boss and I were shocked as we were thinking that if it was going to push through, it will at least be around 2nd week of July. Anyway, things are going to be finalized this week and I'll be bringing my Philippine and US passports on Monday for scanning.

Saturday was a big day for us. I had my congenital scan and it was a great experience for us since we found out that we were having a BABY GIRL :) All of her organs and extremities were complete and ok. The Sonologist wanted to take a picture of her face but she was covering it with her 2 arms! The sonologist kept on shaking my tummy to wake my baby girl up and she did let us peek a little bit, just enough for us to see her eyes, nose, and mouth (hanging open from sleeping hehehe). It was a bit blurry though but I'll still try to post some pics here as soon as I can. Anyway, this now makes my baby shopping official since we already know my baby's gender. Maybe I've known all along that we were getting a girl that's why I couldnt stop looking at really cute baby girl stuff everywhere hehehe...Hubby and I just can't wait to meet our Zoe Alexa :)

We went to Gateway on Sunday afternoon after we took my mom to the bus station (going to the province for a week for the St. John feast). I was sweating like bullets at the freaking mall! Has anyone cared to check whether their ventilation was working properly??? Goodness! Anyway, we passed by MNG since there was a sale but I was a bit disappointed that I didnt get to buy anything since nothing caught my eye. That was a first. I usually never get out of MNG without toting a new purchase. Oh well, if my US trip pushes through, then I'll be in for a lot of shopping bags hahaha!

So we went to Rustan's and looked at some baby stuff. I say some cus there weren't really a lot to look at. The SA told me that they're only like a fourth of Rustan's Makati or Shang. Still, I was grateful that he was very accomodating and he answered all of my questions. I learned that once I signed up for a baby registry at one of their branches, my friends can access my list on all branches which makes it a better registry than SM Baby and Co. Going to Rustan's Gateway though made me very itchy on going to Shangri La and Makati. *sigh* tooo bad we had other plans that day.

I was bothered when I was told by one of the SA's that Rustan's pulled out Aveeno in all of their stores. I wanted to check Rustan's Shang for myself to see if she was telling the truth. I shared this piece of news with Gtalk and one of the Gtalkers thankfully called Rustan's powerplant and was told that this wasn't true. Still, I have to check Shang and Makati for myself. If all else fails, there's Multiply and Shopwise as back up :)

Lastly, I had my OGCT on Sunday. The result was 88.9 and my OB said (through text) that it was a normal sugar level. I was so thankful since I was getting scared that my sweet tooth was about to give me diabetes or something.

Hubby and I went to visit his family on Sunday night since it was father's day. We were supposed to pass by my dad at Heaven's Gate but there was such a heavy traffic that we just turned back. I felt bad though since I haven't visited him in such a long time. I also wanted to tell him that Dan and I are getting a baby girl. I hope to visit him soon.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Saturday is the Big Reveal

This Saturday I'm scheduled for my CAS and OGCT. Hubby and I are anxious for the tests since we wanna make sure that our baby's all good and normal. At the same time, this is when we'll find out our baby's gender! I can barely sleep with excitement =)

I will be having my OGCT at Marikina Valley Hospital while my CAS will be done at Marquinton OB-Gyne and Ultrasound clinic which is recommended by my OB. I'll be exactly 24 weeks by then and hopefully baby will be cooperative.

I thought of having my CAS at In My Womb in SM Marikina but I decided last minute to just follow my OB's recommendation. We'll just go to IMW for my 4D scan come my 30th week. CAS at the Marquinton clinic is only 1800 while in IMW it costs 2500 for 2D and 3500 for 3D. 1800 at Marquinton is only 2D though but I don't mind since we'll go for a 4D scan soon anyway.

So Saturday is the big reveal for us. Will my baby be called Enzo Iñigo or Zoe Alexxa? We can't wait to find out =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shopping weekend

Last Friday, I was told by my manager that I might fly out to the US this July for a couple of weeks of training. He asked if I was ok with it and I told him it's fine as long as I get a go signal from my OB. The main thing that excites me about the US trip is the idea of buying baby stuff in babiesrus! My stroller dilemma would be solved! However, since it's not yet for certain and I would still find out within this week, hubby and I still went to the mall for a bit of shopping and baby stuff price comparison. We went to SM Megamall and were supposed to go to Rustan's as well but didn't have enough time so that's rescheduled for next weekend. Here are some of the things that we saw:

Graco Pack and Play - 11,000-13,000. Dan wants to get the one with the napper but I'm not yet totally sold on that idea since it will just use some space once the baby doesnt need it anymore. I wanna get one of these though but not the one with the bassinet at the top.

Graco Quattro Tour Zurich stroller - 13,000. This doesnt come with a carrier/carseat but I'm fine with it. The only drawback is that it seems a bit too bulky. However, this is good for newborns until 2-3 years old. I'm all for getting just 1 stroller that our baby can use for a long time since they can be quite costly. Graco also has a 3-in-1 stroller for around 16,000. The stroller itself though can only be used by the baby from 3 months and up. In the meantime, you can attach the carrier/car seat on top of the stroller and the put the baby there. The carrier/car seat also functions as a rocker. Definitely something to consider too :)

Dr. Brown's wideneck feeding bottle set - 2,300 something. I can't believe SM Baby and Co. sells these for this price. I ordered the same set from amazon through a multiply contact (see earlier post) and it only cost me around 1600 including shipping.

Avent 9 oz. bottle twin pack - The polypropelene pack is 900 something while the honey tinted bottle twin pack is 1300 something (as far as I remember. I dont have my list with me now). I'm getting this as back up bottles for my baby :)

White tie-side shirts. They're quite cheap but I'll only be getting around 10-12 pieces since I was advised to not buy so much of these. I was looking around to see if they have Carter's or Gerber but unfortunately, they didnt. Hopefully Rustan's have some so I can compare if the prices are aligned with those that are being sold online.

This is me at 23 weeks!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Newborn Essentials

Since this is my first baby, I really don't have any conrete idea on all the things that I need to buy for my baby. I searched through the net for a list of all the things that I need and thankfully, I was able to look for one. So I customized the list and included the shops that we will be checking out for those items. I was told that I shouldn't buy so many since newborns grow up so fast.

I'm on my 23rd week and I'm going to have my CAS next Saturday. We're so excited to know the baby's gender since we've already come up with a name for a baby boy and a baby girl. We also narrowed down all the shops that we're going to visit this weekend to look for baby stuff.